An Inter – collegiate Video Making Competition was organised in October 2020. An E- brochure was sent to 500 colleges PAN India. The competition received 11 entries.There was no registration fee for participation.
Mr. Prashant Joshi, Director, Mindbloom Technologies, Nagpur and Ar. TrilokThakre, Director, Samadhan Group, Nagpur judged the competition.The First Cash Prize of Rs. 1000/- was won by Akash from VNIT, Nagpur
The Second Cash Prize of Rs. 750/- was won by PurvaBopche from SMMCA, Nagpur and
The Third Cash Prize of Rs. 500/- was won by DikshaJamaiwar from NikalasMahilaMahavidyalaya, Nagpur
All the participants received E- certificates.
The competition was organised with the support and encouragement of the Principal, Dr.DeepaliKotwal. Vice Principals Dr. Pooja Pathak and Mrs. Radhika Yelkawar. Ms. Kanchan Bade and Dr. Archana Masram Committee Members along with Convener, Mindfulness Literacy Year 2020- 2021Dr. Nanda Rathi worked hard for the success of the competition.
College has organized aNational level power point slides competition in collaboration with the NSS RTMNU from 15th to 30th September 2020 under the aegis of Mindfulness Literacy year. The competition was free. Fifty three Participants have registered and three prizes and two consolation prizes have been announced. Dr. Nanda Rathi was the convener and Dr. M Kulkarni and Kanchan Bade worked hard for the success of the program.
Dr.Shridevi Naidu Intercollegiate Debate Competition was held on 3rd March 2020 on the topic, ‘In the opinion of the house, “Husband and Wife are better halves of each other”. Public Prosecutor, Ms. VineetaChawariya and Dr. RajaniHarode, Associate Professor, Dept. of Sociology, R.K.M., Nagpur judged the competition. This year, Hislop College, Nagpur won the running trophy. N. Meshram was convener of this competition.
The Department of Geography organized a ‘Slogan Competition’ on theme ‘Conservation and Protection of Trees’ during August to September 2019. Around 41 students submitted 58 slogans with a variety of messages describing significance of tress for the planet earth. The prizes were distributed at the hands of Mrs. RadhikaYelkawar, Vice-Principal-Senior College on 12.02.2020. Dr.ShubhangiGirgaonkar, former Head of the department (retired) was the judge for this slogan competition.
Dr. Vijay Vaidya Memorial Inter-Collegiate Debate Competition was organized by the Faculty of Commerce & Management on 25th September 2019. As the college is celebrating the Health Literacy Year, accordingly the topic for the debate was “Increase in the Health Insurance sector is the key for Economic Development of India”. The Judges for the event were Dr. Dini Menon of Hislop College and Prof G. A Bhatta of R.S. Mundle Arts and Commerce College. The coveted trophy was won by the team Ms. AishwaryaNandwani and Ms. Mehandi Sheikh of Hislop College, Nagpur. The Prize winners were 1st Prize–Vyankatesh Naidu (G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering) Nagpur, 2ndPrize—Mehandi Sheikh (Hislop College) Nagpur, 3rd Prize—AishwaryaNandwani (Hislop College) Nagpur. Consolation Prize—Vishal Kharchwal (S.S.E.S Amravati’s Science College) Nagpur. Total 24 students participated in the event.
Department of Urdu and Persian of L.A.D. & Smt. R. P. College For Women, Nagpur has organized “Dr. M.A. Saldanha Inter-Collegiate Urdu Debate Competition” on the Health Topic,“bllnu dh jk; easbaVjusVgekjsLokLFkdksizHkkfordjrkgSA”on28th September 2019 in Conference hall of the College.Prof. Manohar Kumar, Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Hindi, Hislop College, Nagpur, and Dr. AzharAbrar, Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Urdu, S. K. Porwal College, Kamptee, were the judges. Mohammad Khalil Sheikh and Nabeela Afreen from Sindhu Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, won the running Shield for the best team. Vishal R. Kharchwal of Shivaji Science College was adjudged first and Mohammad Khalil Sheikh from Sindhu Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur second in the competition.Third Prize was bagged by AdeebaTahseen from Dr. Zakir Hussain Urdu Jr. College of Education. Rupa K. Tiwari from Dayanand Arya KanyaMahavidyalaya Nagpur was given Consolation Prize. Students from 17 colleges participated in the competition.
Street Play being a powerful medium for social activism, the College in Collaboration with NSS of RTMNU, Nagpur organized an Intercollegiate Street Play Competition on the theme on 5thSeptember 2018. This competition received an overwhelming response with Seventeen Teams of N.S.S. units of affiliated colleges participating in it.